Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Troubleshooting The Nokia Tracfone 2600

The Nokia Tracfone 2600 is part of Nokia's line of pre-paid cell phones. Purchase these phones with no contract and no start-up fees. They are a useful option for those on a budget or individuals who don't use a lot of monthly minutes. The Nokia Tracfone 2600 offers many useful features such as hands-free capability, text messaging, assignable ring tones, calendar and alarm clock.


1. Turn off your phone for a few minutes when a problem first arises. Turning off the phone may reset the system and correct your issues, particularly those related to the display screen.

2. Remove your phone's battery. You should only remove the battery after the phone is turned off. Do not attempt to turn the phone on again without the battery in place. Removing the battery while the phone is off may help reset any problems you are experiencing.

3. Move to a different location to make a call if you cannot get a connection. You can use your Nokia Tracfone 2600 with several service providers. Depending on your provider, you may get a weaker signal in some areas. Changing your location might improve your signal.

4. Consult the owner's manual that came with your Nokia Tracfone 2600. This manual should come with all new Nokia phones.

5. Visit the Nokia USA website and click on the "Support" tab, then choose "FAQ." This section features a comprehensive database of information related to the Tracfone 2600. Type the problem you are experiencing with your phone, click "Go" and browse the results to find an answer.

6. Contact Nokia's customer support line if the website is unable to help you. Reach a customer service representative by calling 888-665-4228.

Tags: Tracfone 2600, Nokia Tracfone, Nokia Tracfone 2600, your phone, with your, your Nokia