Monday 9 February 2015

Make Your Facebook Wall Show Only Certain Applications

Make your Facebook Wall show only certain applications to prevent applications that have a tendency for spamming from dominating your Wall. When you use certain applications -- getting your daily horoscope, for example -- the applications request to post on your Wall and in some instances, post there without your permission. Adjust your Wall settings to permanently block certain applications from accessing your Wall altogether.


1. Sign in to your Facebook account. Choose "Account Settings" from the Settings drop-down menu that shows in the top, right corner of every Facebook screen.

2. Select "Applications" from the navigation menu along the left side of the page. Choose the "Edit" button next to any application you want to prevent from showing on your wall.

3. Click the "Remove" button next to "Post To My Wall." No applications to which you apply this setting can post to your wall from this point forward.

Tags: certain applications, your Wall, button next, Facebook Wall, post your