Thursday 9 October 2014

Skype On Mobile Not Connecting

It is possible to access Skype directly from your phone.

Skype is an international instant messenger service that not only allows you to chat with friends from all over the world, but video message with them as well. Skype has an app for most smart phones (including the iPhone, BlackBerry and Droid), giving you access to the program through a Wi-Fi connection. If you are finding your mobile Skype is not logging onto your account, there are several troubleshooting options available to correct this issue.


1. Open the "Menu" options on your cell phone; then choose the "Wi-Fi" option. You must have the Wi-Fi turned on if you want to use the Skype service. Once activated, the cell phone searches for a nearby Wi-Fi service. Select the network you want to join, type in any required password and press "OK." The Skype service is now going to work properly.

2. Check your username and password. You must make sure you are entering this in properly. If you don't, the Skype service is not going to load onto the phone.

3. Sync your phone back up with the computer and add the Skype application back to your phone. The app may be missing import file information (typically due disconnecting the phone while a sync is still in progress). Once the application is back on the phone, you may now log back onto your account.

4. Move closer to the Wi-Fi source. If you are receiving a weak wireless signal that goes in and out, the Skype service is just going to log you out.

Tags: Skype service, your phone, application back, cell phone, onto your, onto your account