Thursday 26 March 2015

Stop Automatic Disk Cleanup From Starting Up

Disk Cleanup, while a valuable tool, can be annoying if it starts automatically on a regular basis.

Windows operating systems often schedule several tasks to occur on a regular basis. These tasks include searching for software updates and performing maintenance operations such as disk defragmentation and cleanup operations. If you would like to stop your computer from performing a regular maintenance operation like disk cleanup, you can stop it by disabling the operation in the Windows Task Scheduler program.


1. Click on the Start menu in the lower left corner or your desktop. Once there, click "All Programs" --> "Accessories" --> "System Tools" --> "Task Scheduler."

2. Click on the Active Tasks drop-down menu in the central area of the Task Scheduler window. If Disk Cleanup is automatically running every day, it will be in this list.

3. Highlight the Disk Cleanup program in the list of active tasks by clicking on it. Several options will arise on the right side of the Task Scheduler window. Choose the "Disable" option. Windows might ask you if you are sure you wish to disable Disk Cleanup. Choose "Yes," then click "OK". Disk Cleanup will no longer start automatically.

Tags: Disk Cleanup, Task Scheduler, regular basis, Scheduler window, Task Scheduler window