Tuesday 24 March 2015

Make A Free Call With A Nokia Mobile Phone

Free Internet phone calls used to be restricted to computers only. Smart phones have enabled users to enjoy VoIP service on hand-held devices as well. Nokia phones often also support Wi-Fi Internet connection and can be connected to a free VoIP application to enjoy free calls to just about any part of the world.


1. Use Fring for making free calls. It's a free application that you can download on your Nokia phone directly from the website. Once installed, it's saved in the "Applications" folder of your Nokia phone. When you run the application, register by creating a username and password. Select a VoIP service on which you have an account --- for instance, Skype, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, ICQ, SIP, Twitter, Yahoo! or AIM. Once you enter your VoIP login information, your Fring chat list appears, on which you can add your "Fring" friends --- contacts who are on your VoIP service account. You can then use the "Call" feature and call any contact anytime for free.

2. Use Skype. When you go to the Skype website, enter the phone number of your Nokia cell phone in the "Download Now Via SMS Field." You then receive an SMS text message from Skype containing the application for your Nokia cell phone. When it asks to install, select "Yes" or "Install"; wait a few seconds for the installation to complete. Once installed, it prompts you to register by selecting "Don't Have a Skype Username Yet?" Once you log in to the account with your username and password, select "Add a Contact" and enter the Skype name of the person you wish to call for free. When he appears "online" on your Skype list, press the "Call" button to talk to him for free.

3. Use Gizmo5. When you go to the Gizmo5 website, enter your cell phone number in the specified field and click "Send Me Gizmo5." You then receive the application on your Nokia cell phone, along with instructions on creating a free account at Gizmo. After signing up, add the contacts you wish to make free calls to. You can add your Google Talk, Skype or MSN Messenger contacts as well. When a contact appears online, press the "Call" button to make the free call.

Tags: your Nokia, cell phone, free calls, Nokia cell, Nokia cell phone