Wednesday 18 November 2015

Access Your Web Cam From Your Cell Phone

Watch your webcam on your cell phone

Find a software application that will broadcast your webcam feed to the Internet. A few that you might consider using are HomeCamera, EyeSpyFx and Digi-Watcher. The first two programs are free and the last costs $39.95 as of 2010. These programs will allow you to watch your video feed from any cell phone, PDA, or computer that has an Internet connection.


1.'s program is easy to setup and is something you can complete in a matter of minutes. The program also supports motion detection and you can set it up so that it will e-mail you the pictures or video whenever there is any movement detected. Homecamera also makes sharing your feed with friends and family members easy.

2.'s application will work with the following phones iPhone, Blackberry, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola and Sanyo. In addition to allowing you to watch the video feed it also allows you to use the control to the panning and tilt features if your camera has them.

3.'s application allows you to stream both digital video and audio. In addition, it doesn't rely on motion sensors for activation, which may result in you missing parts of the action. Instead it records everything for you to review and fast-forward through later. In addition you can create e-mail alerts and have the program regularly send you photographs or video.

Tags: cell phone, that will, video feed, your webcam