Friday 30 January 2015

What Is The File Extension Dpb

File extensions are the end of file names that indicate the type of file. Extensions range from one to five characters, with most being three. Computer operating systems are told what program should open a file from file extensions.

File Type

File extension .DPB is a database file.


These file types are normally related with "DataPilot" by Susteen Inc. This software allows you to access the Internet through your cell phone.


Applications related with file type .DPB are:

Dataplore Signals

Fax Master File

ProWORX Nxt Descriptor Pointer File

Registry Errors

If Windows displays the message "Cannot open DPB files," this means your registry might be damaged or you do not have the proper programs installed on your computer.

Registry Scan

A registry scan will let you know if you have the required programs installed on your computer. Registry Booster is one of many programs that can run a free registry scan.

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