Tuesday 13 January 2015

Remove Wheel Lock Nuts

A wheel lock nut or wheel locking nut is a device used to "lock" the rims on a vehicle. With a lock nut in place, it should be extremely difficult to impossible to steal the wheels off of your vehicle. Unfortunately, if you lose the key to the locking nut, you won't be able to remove it without doing a bit of work. It may seem unbelievable, but lug nuts are very soft and if you need to, you can remove a wheel lock nut by chiseling it off.


1. Place the cutting edge of the chisel over the top of the wheel lock nut. Do not place the cutting edge on the face of the locking nut. When you position the chisel cutting edge, you are only going to chisel off the very end of the locking nut.

2. Hit the end of the chisel with the hammer. Because lug nuts are soft, you should be able to easily chisel off the tip of the wheel lock nut. You don't want to chisel off more than the tip because you could end up hitting the studs underneath that the wheel lock nut is threaded on.

3. Position the grade 8 bolt over the end of the chiseled wheel lock nut.

4. Turn on the tig welder and let it heat up. Position the end of the tig welder on the bolt. Put your protective face mask/shield over your eyes. Spot weld the wheel lock nut to the grade 8 bolt.

5. Place the socket wrench and appropriately sized socket over the end of the bolt.

6. Place the breaker bar over the end of the socket wrench and turn counterclockwise, and the bolt will come off along with the wheel lock nut.

Tags: wheel lock, wheel lock, cutting edge, bolt Place, grade bolt, lock place, socket wrench