Thursday 2 April 2015

Use Two Phones For One Number

With a GSM phone, you can use your SIM card on multiple devices.

You are out with friends and need to make a phone call. But when you pull out your phone, you find the battery has died. Depending on the mobile network you use, it is actually possible to use your exact number on a friend's phone (if they don't want to use minutes on your call). With a GSM phone, there is a SIM card with your number printed into it. If you have another GSM phone through the same network -- such as AT&T or T-Mobile -- you can insert the SIM card into the second phone and use your same number on both.


1. Power down both cell phones and remove the battery packs from each. The SIM card placement is commonly found behind the battery (although it may vary slightly, depending on your make and model).

2. Slide out the SIM card from your first phone, then insert the SIM card into the slot on the second phone.

3. Place the battery back into the phone and turn on the device. Wait a few minutes for the phone to turn on and your number should be listed on the display screen. You can now use the second phone with your one number. At any time, you can switch the SIM card back to the original phone.

Tags: second phone, your number, card into, insert card, insert card into